Weekly Wisdom

Each week we'll share a new piece of weekly wisdom from the Bible. Subscribe via email to receive each new update or sign up for SMS to get inspiration delivered to your phone.

At the moment we decide to become followers of Jesus, we become God’s creative project.

God really cares about me and you. No matter how irrational our fears may be, God cares.

God will never give us more than we can handle, and when we are placed in a tempting situation, he will provide an escape route if we look for it.

Hard times come. Pain is a given. Can you go it alone? Or do you need some spiritual strength, too?

Even though we may face adversity, we know that God sees the entire picture, orchestrates the circumstances, and works every detail for our good.

Today’s verse tells us to sit quietly in our realization that God is who he says he is—creator of the universe, all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present.

When we choose to dwell on these types of positive thoughts, we gain the ability to push away habitual negative thoughts that can distract, discourage, and destroy. 

What is the fruit of the Spirit? In order to cultivate these "fruits" we need to allow God to produce them in us. 

Jesus brings the life we were created for. Will you stop chasing the life culture prescribes and accept the life Jesus offers?

What might change in your life if you pursued a deep understanding of God as a shepherd who cares for you?