The Heart of Christmas
The holiday season is a unique blend of joy and solitude. Amidst the festivities, let's unveil the profound essence of Christmas—centered around Jesus Emmanuel, the embodiment of "God with us." He is a historical figure whose influence continues to resonate over 2,000 years later. The Bible says, "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us)." (Matthew 1:23)
The reason Jesus had to come, die and rise again is because of our disobedience.
That’s because He was the Savior of the world that God promised thousands of years before His birth. And when He was born, it started God’s plan for His life.
Jesus lived a perfect life, but some were skeptical of Him. They didn’t like that He talked to people that were normally on the outside of society. They also didn’t like His claims to be the Savior of the world. So they put Him to death. But this was all part of God’s plan. After dying on a cross, Jesus rose on the third day, proving that He has complete power over death. And now He is in Heaven with God, waiting to take the kingdoms of earth as His own Kingdom.
Jesus’ birth deserves all the attention it gets.
That’s because He was the Savior of the world that God promised thousands of years before His birth. And when He was born, it started God’s plan for His life.
Jesus lived a perfect life, but some were skeptical of Him. They didn’t like that He talked to people that were normally on the outside of society. They also didn’t like His claims to be the Savior of the world. So they put Him to death. But this was all part of God’s plan. After dying on a cross, Jesus rose on the third day, proving that He has complete power over death. And now He is in Heaven with God, waiting to take the kingdoms of earth as His own Kingdom.
If you want to experience the joy of following Jesus, you can start by praying something like this:
"God, thank you for your incredible sacrifice and the joy you have given me by sending your Son, Jesus to die for my sins. Please forgive me for all I’ve done wrong. I want to follow you. Amen."
Are you ready to start your relationship with Jesus?